Thursday, February 19, 2009

The first

I just randomly decided to begin my blog tonight. I'm currently listening to "You know what" by N.E.R.D. I really like their album "Seeings Sounds," its really amazing and funky fresh. I can't seem to stop facebooking nowadays. Its so distracting. I was very sick today, my kidneys were hurting very badly and I felt so bloated. I couldn't walk straight, actually I still can't walk straight. I miss playing soccer, winter has kinda taken that away from me for the time being. I have to be downtown for school tomorrow morning and I love it. I enjoy going to school for some reason. I meet and make new friends everyday. I hate going to work but it takes up load of my time and I make money. I like to work later in the nights because everything is so quiet and peaceful. Its at kroger btw. I hate when its packed and people are dicks sometimes. I meet all sorts of characters though. I work with some older people and they are soooooooooooooo funny. One of them keeps telling me dirty jokes. They all have good advice though. One guy, named Fred, told me that I should follow my big head instead of the little one. I thought it was hilarious because he seems like the person who would be strict and well discplined. I realized that he was once a youngster just like me. So old people rock! I gotta go sleep, I need to study too.

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